Thursday, November 11, 2010

this is about funny a weird looking cars

this is a old three wheeled car called the tri-car never get one it tips over 50% chance on each corner.

I think the spoiler

is a bit too big on this car ; ) !!!

Monday, November 1, 2010


This is what a normal farrari looks like, the original colour for farrari's are red, but dont have to be.

This post is about farrari's the well known cars.
oviusly these cars are good everyone should know that,
but they are a lot of money. i would only get one if i was rich.

This farrari car looks a lot like a porsche,wich is the car to the right.

I would strongly rather the porsche than most other cars.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


This is what you dont want to buy trust me evan know im a kid i still know it will be a waist of your money.They wont be as good as you think.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I do not know what car is to the right but this is it is just a pic but i will get ones that i do know, and talk about them.

This is a bmw a popular and known car.
they are acceptable cars because not much goes wrong with them.